
Matthew Brandt, founder and creator of “Tactical Retreat Unplugged” is a retired 30-year law enforcement officer, Navy veteran and like you, has experienced multiple traumas in his career.  A former accountability and resiliency keynote speaker and trainer, he has trained and spoke internationally on his proprietary program titled; Authority=Action=Accountability®.   

Why We Do What We Do-

Matthew is on a mission to help anyone and their spouses/partner interested in tackling these difficult and uncomfortable discussions before it’s too late. However, doing so doesn’t need to be in a sterile, stuffy, death by PowerPoint venue. At Tactical Retreat Unplugged we engage both sides of your brain, the analytical side and the creative side. We do it in the open air, hills of Virginia. We learn some key pieces about dealing with our demons and traumas of the past, while learning to unplug, retreat, relax, be active and then reengage.

Where We Do It-

Tactical Retreat Unplugged is located in SW Virginia.  In the mountains of Appalachia, near the town of Tazewell, Virginia.  We are about 1 1/2 hours SW of Roanoke, VA and about a 1 1/2 hours drive north of Bristol, VA.  The retreat has cool mountain streams, untouched forests, walking trails, outdoor recreation and a remote feel to encourage uninterrupted solitude to aid in this process of healing and growth. There is nothing like the quietness of this 10-acre retreat along a mountain stream, surrounded by a forest of oak and maple trees to help ground you and re-align your path to wellness.

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